EIN Number | Tax ID Number | IRS Ein | Delaware Business Incorporators, Inc. An EIN Number (aka Employer Identification Number) is a nine-digit number [similar to the Social Security Number (SSN)] that the IRS assigns to business entities, non-profit organizations and some other associations.
It is also known as a Corporate Taxpayer Id Number, a Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN), or EIN number.
This unique nine-digit number is used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to identify a business operating in the United States.
An EIN is not an authorization to live or work in the United States and is not presentable as a form of personal identification.
Who needs an EIN Number?
All banks will require your company to provide an Employer Identification Number (EIN) to open a bank account in the US.
Your company would also be required to obtain an EIN Number if you will have wage earning employees in the US.
If you will be opening your bank account outside the US, and will not have employees in the United States, it may not be necessary for your company to obtain an EIN.
How do I obtain an EIN?
US Citizens and Resident Aliens
For companies headed by a US Citizen (or a Resident Alien who already has a SSN or ITIN) DBI can electronically file an application for an EIN with the IRS and obtain the EIN for your new Delaware Corporation or Delaware LLC.
This process would be initiated after the new company is registered with the Delaware Division of Corporations and before the bank account is opened.
The process can usually be completed in less than 24 hours, often as quickly as 1-2 hours! (Some additional information may be requested).
If the company is a subsidiary, it may provide the EIN of its parent company for application purposes.
My company won't have any employees, can I still get an EIN?
Although the name may seem misleading, you are not required to have employees to apply for an EIN.
If you need an EIN for banking purposes you will be assigned an EIN even if you have no employees.
If I apply for an EIN, does that mean I have to start paying US Federal Income Taxes?
Obtaining an EIN is not a factor taken into consideration when determining if you will owe US Federal Income Taxes.
US citizens who have a One-Member LLC or an S-Corporation will file any profits or losses on their personal income tax return.
C-Corporations with US-Source Income will file a Corporate Income Tax Return.
Non-Resident Non-US citizens who have no US-Source Income will not owe US Federal Income Tax.
If you are not sure if you will owe Corporate or Personal Income Tax we recommend that you consult a tax advisor.
Can I get an EIN for each Separate Series in my Series LLC?
IRS Private Letter Ruling 200803004 established that each Separate Series in a Series LLC may obtain its own separate EIN.